Las Vegas Art District Photo Session {Arizona Travel Photographer}

July 20, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Starting my photography career in and around downtown San Diego I had many chances to do sessions in urban settings. But now that I have moved and am a travel photographer in Arizona, northern Arizona specifically where it is very rural,  I have not had many  chances to photograph in these settings recently. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the variety of these natural settings around this part of the country, but now that I am offering travel sessions to places such as Las Vegas (and other cities),  I now have opportunities to go back to my urban "roots" if you will,  every now and then. With all the fun lines, colors and funky vibes it brings. 

Making this children's photo session in the art district of downtown Las Vegas even more fun, were the adorable subjects of the session. Three beautiful sisters who are from the Vegas area and with their mom were more than happy to show me around and tell me about their hometown as we talked and shot their photos in fun places around the art district, Fremont Street and Container Park. Those who know San Diego will find this part of Vegas is very reminiscent of the Barrio Logan area. They even have their very own Donut Bar in Vegas, a little piece of home, as I called it when we stumbled upon it in our wanderings. 

If there was one word to sum up this photo session in Las Vegas it would be: fun! Everyone agreed and indeed when that is accomplished along with some great photos, that is a huge plus in my book! From dancing to Justin Timberlake, to exploring, to sweet treats at the end, this whole session was most definitely a whole lot of fun.  I hope you too enjoy all the colors, funky vibes and joy this session brought as you browse through the following photos. 

Love & Blessings, 



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