Balboa Park Travel Session - The Original Adventure {Arizona Travel Photographer}

August 15, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

The original adventure. The adventure that started it all. Their love of nature, exploring, first mud puddles, first tree climbs, the discovery of the joy of being outside and so very much more. It will always be an adventure that holds a special place in all our hearts and memories. As a travel photographer in Arizona these 3 have had so many other amazing adventures since, but this original adventure will always be where that wander lust is , ironically, rooted. 

Balboa Park is a beautiful mix of urban and nature in the middle of downtown San Diego. This trail, the Juniper Staircase trail, is one of many trails that wind their way through this beautiful little slice of nature amidst the city. It takes you under the beautiful Laurel Street/Cabrillo Bridge and next to state highway 163. That specific stretch has always been my favorite to drive ever since I was a child as it takes you almost parallel to this same trail and under the aforementioned bridge by car. Funny that connection with my own childhood now with my own children's childhood, completely unintentional. This trail was one of our regular hikes when we lived just a few blocks from Balboa Park. 

In this blog I share the last time we traveled these paths and captured these memories. From one last tree climb there, the new steps and sign installed, one last mud puddle to get messy in, sand falling between the fingers from those paths, the sour yellow flowers from my childhood shared one last time with them and even a heart left of our love for this place, see if you can spot it. Someday we hope to go back, but they will have grown older and seen so many other adventures since , will it look the same to them, I wonder. But no matter what, these moments will be preserved forever in time, photos pressing pause on this time when they were small and what it was like then for them in this special place, on their original adventure. 

Love & Blessings, 


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